Sample of Solar Return Report


Johnny Depp

June 9, 1963

8:44 AM

Owensboro, Kentucky




Solar Return calculated for:

June 9, 2010

1:15:05 AM

Paris, France




     The Solar Return is a chart calculated for the time that the Sun arrives at the exact position of the Sun in your natal chart. That happens once every year around your birthday, but at a different time each year. This chart is calculated for the time of the Sun's return this year and marks the principal events for the year from birthday to birthday. This report also gives the location of your Solar Return. From this, it can be determined that some places are more favorable than others. With the aid of more than one report you could analyze the changes that are produced in the Solar Return Reports, choosing from different locations where you would want to spend the day.

     This report essentially is divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the general external conditions of the year: opportunities and problems that could occur in different areas. For the benefit of students of astrology, the influence of the Ascendant and Midheaven of the return are described as well as that of the Sun and Moon.

     The second part analyzes the twelve astrological houses, marking specifically in what area of your life the various astral influences will be manifested, emphasizing your probable responses and inner changes. This section analyzes the position of the solar houses on the natal houses, the planetary conjunctions, and the location of the planets in the houses. You will be given a description of the most important matters derived from the placement of the planets in the houses, which are outlined in the text for each of them.

     In some cases you will find contradictions. A planet may be beneficial in a certain area, while others may indicate the opposite situation. This means that you could have two types of possible situations during the year. For example: a lover's quarrel and a following reconciliation. To get the most out of this report, it will be necessary to use your own logic and intuition, fitting the descriptions outlined here to your own particular case.

     The objective of this report is to offer you a practical guide that helps you to analyze this year's prospects and to learn from them using your free will

*** Astrological Data of Birth ***

      The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:

Sun     18 Gem 03               Neptune  13 Sco 25
Moon    13 Cap 49               Pluto     9 Vir 38
Mercury 25 Tau 17               Asc.     12 Leo 27
Venus   26 Tau 06               MC        3 Tau 22
Mars     3 Vir 13               2nd cusp  4 Vir 27
Jupiter 13 Ari 59               3rd cusp  1 Lib 07
Saturn  23 Aqu 05               5th cusp  8 Sag 52
Uranus   1 Vir 35               6th cusp 12 Cap 44

Tropical  Placidus   Standard Time observed
June 9, 1963   8:44 AM
GMT: 14:44:00   Time Zone: 6 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 37 N 46 27 87 W 06 48

Astrological Data of Solar Return:

Sun     18 Gem 03               Neptune  28 Aqu 41
Moon     4 Tau 04               Pluto     4 Cap 32
Mercury 27 Tau 54               Asc.     17 Aqu 05
Venus   23 Can 40               MC        9 Sag 58
Mars     0 Vir 54               2nd cusp 13 Ari 29
Jupiter  0 Ari 22               3rd cusp 17 Tau 40
Saturn  27 Vir 54               5th cusp 28 Gem 33
Uranus   0 Ari 18               6th cusp 18 Can 15

June 9, 2010   GMT: 23:15:05
Paris, France 48 N 52    2 E 20   

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction   :  7 Deg. 00 Min
Opposition    :  6 Deg. 00 Min
Square        :  6 Deg. 00 Min
Trine         :  6 Deg. 00 Min
Sextile       :  5 Deg. 00 Min
Semisextile   :  2 Deg. 00 Min
Semisquare    :  2 Deg. 00 Min
Sesquiquadrate:  2 Deg. 00 Min
Quincunx      :  3 Deg. 00 Min

***** FIRST PART *****


Chapter 1:


General characteristics of the year. The external conditions.

Solar Return Ascendant Aquarius :

     This will be a very unusual year. It brings different circumstances and experiences and changes in your daily routine. You will have a strong desire for more freedom. You may surprise others around you with changes in your normal, everyday behavior due to the influence of Uranus. You will feel the need for space and a lot of freedom of movement. Anyone or anything that stands in your way will not be tolerated. You are not willing to accept any kind of compromise and you will rebel against what you determine to be undue pressure to conform to the wills of others. If you are not this kind of person normally, the change in your personality will be very obvious. If you are already extroverted and changeable by nature, you should be careful not to go to extremes.

     You will be thinking more toward the future than to the present or the past. Your creativity will increase and you will conceive ideas and projects that will be of great value to you in the years to come. You will be looking at what has up to now been important to you and want to discard some of it because your interests are changing at this time and you will be drawn to the new and unusual.

     It will be a good year for social relationships and friendships. It also favors participation in group activities, clubs or committees that you may have thought of joining before, but have not acted upon. In spite of your sociability, tension may develop between you and people who may try to limit your freedom.

    Physically, you will have a lot more nervous energy that could make you more anxious and restless than usual. It will be important to pay special attention to your nervous system. It is advisable to alternate periods of rest with your intense activity and spend some time outdoors with nature, especially in places where there is clean air and water. This will give you much needed relaxation and quiet. If this is not possible, soaking in water and listening to soft music would be very helpful.

     This new obsession with freedom and variety in your life could  bring you in contact with people who will want to organize you or control your actions. This will clash with your desire to go your own  way. If you already have an important person in your life, they might be upset by the changes in you which could lead to fights or disagreements. You could begin a new relationship with a person who is attracted to your new persona. However, after this year is over, you may lose your interest in the unusual and strange, and your new partner will wonder what happened to you.  Actually, this is not the best year for forming any permanent, binding unions unless you are by nature this Aquarius kind of person. In that case, your true character will simply be exaggerated now, and you will have found a person who is actually very compatible with you.

     In spite of the complications you may experience this year, you can be sure it will not be dull. Let yourself enjoy whatever adventures you have and the new, fun friends that you have made!

Solar Return MC Sagittarius:

     During this year you want to reach for the stars! . Your optimism and your faith will be the principal ingredients for your advancement and the realization of your goals. This influence brings you a dose of general luck with your projects. You have a cosmic protection that will be with you all year. You will more convincing and persuasive than you have ever been. This could be beneficial to you in politics, business or any other related field.

     If your usual work is related to travel, tourism, diplomacy, international business, teaching, photography or the theater, it will be a successful year. You might also find yourself renewing an interest in one of these areas that you have had in the past. You might even be involved in more than one occupation during this year. Don't allow yourself to get too busy or involved, thereby spreading yourself too thin.  It's important to concentrate on your major goals for the year. Otherwise, you will not use your energy wisely.

     You could travel and visit other countries during this period, if other indications in this report confirm it. If not, you could use this time to expand your mental or spiritual horizons. You may not have to travel to have new experiences as you could attract into your present physical arena new people who share new ideas and stories of other lands with you.  Or you might decide to study a foreign language.

     You won't spend much time at home during this period, and could find a "second" home some place where you feel comfortable. You will be very restless and will have a desire to interact with others. This could take place outside of your home, or you may receive a lot of visitors in your home. There might also be more contact and relating to brothers and sisters and other close relatives. Communication is the major key to resolving any disputes that could arise. If you were thinking of moving, you may think about it even more now, and finally make up your mind to do it.

Chapter 2: Astrological influence of your personality.

Sun in 4th house:

     This solar influence increases your sensitivity so that your emotions will play a very important part in your decisions. If you don't act more logically and less emotionally, you could have problems in practical decision making.

     Your family and the ties that you still maintain with them will be emphasized. You will receive much cooperation and support from one of your parents or from both of them. However, you also could feel tied to, and obligated to keep up, certain traditions, customs or family responsibilities that hinder your freedom of action. If the relationship with your family is good, then you won't feel any burden or undue opposition. But if there are some existing problems, it will be the focus of your attention during this year. Search for creative solutions and don't let them manipulate you emotionally. Your loved ones could take advantage of you materially as well as emotionally.

     The idea of putting down roots and settling in one place could also develop during this period. Making investments, buying real estate, or making improvements in your home would all be favorable now.

     It should be mentioned that success comes during the last three months of this solar year, and that time should prove to be extremely favorable and positive for you.

Sun trine Asc:

     During this year you will feel very good. You will enjoy the company of others and, therefore, your relationships will be very favorable. You will show great enthusiasm in your work and everything you do. You will be full of vitality, joviality, and energy. You will be attracted to happy and amusing people and events. There also is a possibility of planning some trips during this year.

     Physically, you will have the necessary strength to combat any problems you may have. If you have some physical ailment, you will move toward healing it this year. The improvement will be due to your positive attitude and to your search for gratification and personal satisfaction. You will be revitalized and relaxed and, in return, will induce a similar response from your environment.

     The relationship with your father, or with people who represent authority figures in your life, will be very favorable. You could receive the support and collaboration of people in high positions.

Sun semisquare Moon:

     Minor problems and conflicts in your home could alter the peace during this year. There is a possibility that problems from the past that haven't been resolved yet will resurface. You can't expect much support from your family in carrying out your plans.

     It also is possible that you will have moments of doubt and indecision. You will be less decisive and practical, and you will tend to be more influenced by your feelings and emotions.

Chapter 3: The emotional world.

Solar Return Moon in Taurus :

     You will feel more emotionally stable during this year. There probably won't be many changes, but if there are any, they won't affect you that much. You will find it easy and satisfactory to express your affections. You will have a good time and will receive much cooperation from others.

     On the other hand, this influence could cause you to worry more about your future stability, and you will look for business opportunities or investments that could earn you more money. You will have good possibilities for economic growth during this period, but don't concentrate all your efforts in this direction. If you do, you could become too materialistic and greedy.

     The relationship with your mother, or with other women in your family, will be good and you can count on the support from them. You will receive a lot of approval that will help you to feel more certain about pursuing your goals.

     It is also important that you don't neglect your diet because there is a tendency to eat in excess and to live a life of pleasure in general. This could cause you to gain weight or to have digestive disorders. You can rely on having a stronger will this year, and if you wanted to, you could concentrate on eliminating certain ingrained negative habits. But if you are not careful, you could also acquire new fixed habits that wouldn't be good for you.

     Analyze your objectives and then select your principal goals for this year. Directed energy and persevering work will be the key to success.

Solar Return Moon in 2nd house:

     Your financial situation will fluctuate a lot during this year. Your income could increase considerably, but at the same time, you may spend more than you earn. It is important to exercise control and learn to manage your finances better in order to avoid the possibility of loss of income or overspending.

     There is a possibility that you will earn money through work that is related to the public. You could also benefit financially through your work with women.

     You should be careful not to become too emotionally invested in the state of your finances.

Moon trine Mars:

     You will show great vigor, vitality, and enthusiasm for taking action during this year. You will be very quick-witted and will always know when to take action. You will be efficient and fast-moving, when necessary. Your trust in yourself will increase along with faith in your own opinions, which will attract others to you. You will be very convincing and will earn the support of the public in general. You could become a leader during this year.

     You will begin several projects and can rely on the necessary energy to carry them out. Be constant and don't deviate once you have initiated a project. You will be able to rely on the support of your family, especially your mother and other women in your environment.

     You will be intense and full of positive feelings. You will radiate enthusiasm, ambition, and courage. Physically, this influence is so beneficial that it will give you a high level of vitality, energy, and vigor. You will recover very rapidly from any illness.

     This influence impels you to dynamic action and it would be a very good year for setting many goals. Remember that your active participation is necessary and you should not wait for others to improve your life, because now is the time for you to take action.

Moon trine Pluto:

     Your emotions will be very intense but, at the same time, very stimulating and rich. You will see everything and everyone around you to be more profound and powerful than usual, which will lead you to search for relationships that are not superficial, but allow you to express your more intimate emotions. During this time childhood memories or traumas will emerge from your consciousness that will let you see, with much more clarity, the motive for your current reactions. You will discover your true self which will give you more trust, clarity, and the capability to confront your life in general.

     It is important that you don't repress your emotions this year, but express them freely. It also will be important that you control obsessive and stubborn behavior. Romance and your sex-life could become very enriched.  If you are in a committed relationship, you should be feeling confident and on solid ground with your partner, but be careful not to become too bossy or manipulative.

     You could experience some changes in your home or family life that will be very beneficial. The relationship with your mother, or other women in your life, will be very profound, intense, and more spiritual.

     This will be a year of renewal and emotional freeing up. Encounters with your past and your own history will allow you to get to know yourself better, and if you don't resist these new feelings, you will have a very positive year.

***** SECOND PART *****



     HOUSE 1:  Personality.  Principal interest of the year.

Asc on 7th natal house:

     You will announce an important union during this year. If you have plans for marriage, it would be the right time to tie the knot. On the other hand, you also could get involved with some new business associations.

     Your personality will be favored by the public and you will make a very good impression. This will benefit you, if your activities are related to dealing with the public or to politics. You also could get involved in some type of litigation or legal suit during this year.

Solar Return Asc Conjunct natal Saturn:

     You will act in a very responsible way and will look at life more realistically and seriously. You will become more aware of your true needs and will handle things in a practical manner. The memory of past frustrations or painful experiences will be the basis for your future decisions. You also will pursue your objectives with perseverance and hard work.

     On the negative side, this influence could cause you to become more pessimistic or depressed.

Jupiter in 1st house of Solar Return:

     This will be a very positive year. You will be optimistic and  spontaneous and will find that opportunities will come to you without any effort on your part. Expansion will be a keyword for this time. You will want to undertake more, possess more, and make more. You also will be inclined to exaggerate things and to act without thinking. You won't be depressed much and your problems won't upset you. You will greet each day as a new day to enjoy. You will receive assistance and acceptance from others who will look at you as a very trustworthy person.

     You should watch your diet, however, because you could find that you want to eat a lot of rich food and indulge in excesses which could result in gaining weight.

     You will become more interested in your spiritual or religious life.  The everyday, tangible things won't seem to be enough for you or satisfy you as they have before. You will search for other more profound truths that will give more meaning to your life.

Uranus in 1st house of Solar Return:

     You will need more freedom and independence during this year. You may be acting differently and strangely, which will surprise and confuse the people who know you. You will be more tense and keyed up and will resent too much routine or obligation or any limitation to your freedom. Don't expect to receive too much understanding from others because they will not know how to respond to the new you.

     You should be more careful than usual because this influence will make you more unpredictable and risk taking, thereby becoming more prone to accidents or speaking out too bluntly. You won't be as interested in or willing to listen to the opinions of others. You will feel the need to make changes in your life, becoming more open and willing to reach out more. You will be attracted to everything new, strange, or unknown, and to risky situations.

     Your health could be affected due to the great degree of stress that you may suffer during this year. You must try to get enough rest and practice some relaxation exercises.

Neptune in 1st house of Solar Return:

     Your perceptive ability and your sensitivity will increase notably during this year. You will be more imaginative and will tend to idealize the people around you. This could lead to future problems if you were too unrealistic and trusting of these people. You will be more romantic and dreamy and not entirely in contact with the real world. If you have artistic inclinations, especially in music, you will have a very favorable year.

     On the negative side, this position could cause you to be  confused and easily deceived. You will have a tendency to want to escape or run away from your problems instead of facing them and taking appropriate action. This will be due to fears and inner insecurities which will come to the surface. You could also be the victim of gossip, envy, or criticism, and become entangled in unpleasant chaotic situations.

     Try to be as realistic and aware as possible, and use your heightened imagination in a creative way which will enrich your life.

Solar Return Neptune Conjunct natal Saturn:

     You will be very firm when dealing with other people who are confused or indecisive. Because of your coolness and detachment, you may be the cause of resentment or criticism from others. You won't feel comfortable with people who are too idealistic, dreamy, or noncommittal because you will be looking at things in a more responsible and realistic way.

     HOUSE 2:  Financial situation.

Solar Return 2nd house on 9th natal house:

     You could gain financially from some activity in a foreign country or by getting involved in some sort of import-export business. You also could be required to do more travel than usual in the course of your business. You might be involved in some business activity related to the law or legal regulations. It is important for you to be organized this year. Otherwise, you could have financial complications.

Solar Return 2nd cusp Conjunct natal Jupiter:

     You will enjoy spending money this year and will have a great desire to increase your financial situation. You could easily spend more than you can afford. You will be much more generous than you usually are and will be confident that money will come to you with little effort on your part. Clearly, there is a real danger of your becoming irresponsible in the handling of your funds during this time.

   HOUSE 3:  The conscious mind.  Study, communication, and short trips.

Solar Return 3rd house on natal 10th house:

     You will have much success during this year due to your intellectual capacity. You may have to take a necessary trip in relation to your work or may begin to make plans for travel to improve your social situation. You could receive help from siblings or  other relatives. Studying or preparing for future projects also will be very favorable.

Mercury in 3rd house of Solar Return:

     There is a possibility of beginning some type of study now. If you are already involved in some course of study, you will probably  be very successful. You will be very curious and interested in increasing your knowledge. You will also find it easy to communicate and to express yourself in writing, as well as orally. Your curiosity will inspire you to take some short trips during this period, which will put you in contact with new people and increase your knowledge.

     Communication with siblings and other relatives will be more easy and open. You won't be able to stay still for any length of time and will constantly be searching for continued action. One drawback could be that you will get bored very quickly. You can profit from this time by remembering to keep an open mind to new experiences and not hold on to old and outdated ideas.

Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Mercury:

     Your intellectual capacity will increase during this year. You probably will associate with people who have the same interests and will stimulate you to continue studying or to participate in intellectual groups. It will be easy for you to learn and also to relate your knowledge during this period. It will be important not to spend all the time talking about your projects without giving anyone else the opportunity to share.

Solar Return Mercury Conjunct natal Venus:

     You will enjoy the exchange of ideas and opinions with other people. You will be looking for contact with intellectual people or those who stimulate your mind, which will help you to enlarge your social circle and also to develop your artistic abilities.

     In addition, you could be very much attracted to an interesting,  intelligent person and might even fall in love.
HOUSE 4:  The home.

Solar Return 4th house on 11th natal house:

     You will find much hospitality and warmth between you and your friends. You may begin new relationships with people who have the same interests as you during this year. You will also have special social affairs in your own home. You can thank the cooperation of friends and associates for the security and success you achieve. You will be pleased with the progress you have made by the end of this solar year.

HOUSE 5:  Romance & amusement. Relationship with children.

Solar Return 5th house on 11th natal house:

     Your social life will be very satisfactory. You will share many amusing and happy moments with your friends. Your popularity will increase and your social circle will expand. You will also develop many new projects and plans for your future. There is  the possibility of a friendship turning into romance.

     If you have children, you will have a closer relationship with them and be more like a friend to them.

HOUSE 6:  Health and illness. Employment. Service.

Solar Return 6th house on 12th natal house:

     Some health problem you have had in the past could reappear. It is advisable to reassess your habits and daily routine, discarding any activities which could affect your health. Pay attention to your diet and to your personal hygiene. This astrological influence could bring on some chronic illness which, if serious, could lead to confinement or limitation of your freedom.

     There could be complications in the work place due to the disloyal competition of co-workers or injustices placed on you by your superiors. There also is a possibility of you getting involved in some secret or illegal work.

Venus in 6th house of Solar Return:

     Unless there are other planetary aspects that indicate otherwise, you will enjoy good health during this year, but you should watch your diet because there is a tendency to eat and enjoy rich, fattening food, which could lead to the gaining of weight. You could especially have a craving for sugar and candy. In addition, you may not be particularly inclined toward very much physical activity this year.

     You will get along well with bosses and those you work with. You will enjoy your work and will receive approval and appreciation. If you are an employer yourself, your relationship with your employees will also be very pleasant.

     However, you could have some disagreements or difficulties with personal relationships due to some misunderstanding between the partners. It will be necessary for you to take appropriate action to prevent this from happening.

     HOUSE 7:  Associations.  Marriage and partnerships.

Solar Return 7th house on 1st natal house:

     Social life, as well as any business association you may have, will be very important to you during this year. There is a tendency toward much dependence on others and you could doubt the credibility and wisdom of your own decisions. The amount of freedom that you have will depend very much on the impression you make on others. There also could be confrontations with declared enemies.

Mars in 7th house of Solar Return:

     Married life or partnerships will be very difficult this year. There will be a strong tendency for disagreements and arguments. These conflicts also could arise in other close relationships such as friends and business associates. You could lose patience very easily or become very demanding and jealous. During this time any annoyances or complaints that have not been resolved could surface for you to deal with. You will need to make any adjustments  that appear necessary because you will accomplish more by working cooperatively with others.

     It would be advisable to avoid taking any type of legal action this year, if at all possible, as the outcome would probably not be in your favor. There also could be confrontations with competitors. Try to deal with these matters with diplomacy and tact so that you don't aggravate the conflict.

Solar Return Mars Conjunct natal Mars:

     You will respond in like manner to any aggressive or critical behavior on the behalf of another.

     You also could be surrounded by very energetic and active people who stimulate you. This year will be very good for taking part in sports or competitions.

Solar Return Mars Conjunct natal Uranus:

     The tensions and problems of others will cause you to react in unpredictable and sudden ways. You won't allow anyone to dominate you, and you will rebel against authoritative people who cross your path and try to tell you what to do.

Saturn in 7th house of Solar Return:

     Your romantic relationships could have serious difficulties during this year. There will be a need for more understanding and commitment. If you are making plans to get married this year, your plans will probably be delayed, or even cancelled, due to these very serious problems. You may find that your relationship is being tested and you will need to rely on your combined strength and courage to keep it going. You could also be having similar problems in other kinds of relationships. You might begin to feel that your associates or close friends are making too many demands on you and limiting your freedom of action considerably. Some of these relationships might end or become estranged. Only the most serious, reliable, and stable people will remain with you.

     Legal procedures could also be delayed or postponed, and the final decision may not be favorable for you. Any resolution of these issues will probably not be arrived at until this solar year is over.

HOUSE 8:  Life and death issues, inheritances, and mysteries.

Solar Return 8th house on 3rd natal house:

     There could be problems regarding communication or  correspondence. There is also the possibility of a death that will require you to travel to another city.

 HOUSE 9:  Religion and spirituality.  Long-distance travel.

Solar Return 9th house on 4th natal house:

     You may be attracted to more traditional philosophies and ideas and will become more interested in relating to the past and to history. You may take a long trip to visit historic places or to see members of your family who live far from you. If you are presently not living in your native country, you may take a trip to visit this year.

Solar Return 9th cusp Conjunct natal Neptune:

     You will become attracted to mystical or spiritual exploration  during this year. You may get very excited about some new concept or truth which will give you insight from which you gain illumination and spiritual revelation. This will be especially true if you are already  a spiritual seeker. Otherwise, you might just feel confused due to inner doubts that make it difficult for you to relax and to make  sound decisions. You could also have the desire to take a long ocean voyage or to travel to an area which is situated near water.

  HOUSE 10:  Your profession, success, and status.

Solar Return MC on 5th natal house:

     You will become more creative which will manifest in your professional activity especially if your work is involved with art, sports, or teaching or guiding children. You will put a lot of love into your work and will create a new personal style of your own.

     You will enjoy a more intense and active social life and will participate in parties and other events.

HOUSE 11:  Friendships and social life.

Solar Return llth house on 5th natal house:

     Your hopes and desires for finding satisfaction and happiness in your love life will increase. If you are already in a committed relationship, you will find that you will be very compatible. If you do not have a partner at this time, you may have the chance to meet someone through your friends or at a social meeting.

     You will be very happy in the company of your friends and will share amusements, pleasures, and sports. You could also enjoy the company of children.

     This astrological influence could also transform a friendship  into romance.

Pluto in 11th house of Solar Return:

     Your social life will be transformed this year. You probably won't associate with the same friends you have always had and will make new friendships. The people you meet during this period will have a strong influence on your future and will turn your thinking in a different direction, and, consequently, bring changes into your life.

     You also might participate in some group activity that will have a therapeutic effect on you. These meetings could help you to confront facets of your own character you hadn't recognized before. Under this influence, you could also get involved with associations or groups that are working on social reform.

     Your goals, hopes, and wishes for the future will be different, and you will find yourself losing interest in certain relationships. It is advisable to maintain flexibility and patience during this time as there could be very unexpected and sudden changes in your social life.

HOUSE 12:  Limitations, enmities and hidden things.

Solar Return 12th house on 6th natal house:

     Be careful not to neglect your work responsibilities this year.  You may tend to feel too superior to others around you and expect them to take over your duties. This could result in feelings of envy or enmity in your co-workers.

     It is important to pay special attention to your health this year, especially if you have had serious problems in the past. Illness during this year could require extended rest or hospitalization.

Solar Return 12th cusp Conjunct natal Moon:

     The problems of your life will vastly affect your emotional sensitivity, and you will become more sensitive and changeable. You should make an effort to control your mood swings and not to get too discouraged. You probably won't get much support from others and could feel a sense of abandonment. You should not neglect your diet because your emotional changes could affect your digestive system.